Muhammadi Rohani Qafila

Muhammadi Rohani Qafila

Muhammadi Rohani Qafila

Muhammadi Rohani Qafila

Muhammadi Rohani Qafila is a pure islamic, an international, welfare and non – profit organization for the propagation of Quran and Sunnah. It was founded by Hazrat Imam Bari Sarkar R.A in 1052 AH. It is providing services for the betterment, welfare and wellness of muslim ummah and humanity in whole world.

Our Mission

The fundamental mission of Muhammadi Rohani Qafila is 

  • Let us preach the knowledge of Quran and Sunnah
  • Endeavor to spread Rohani Deeni Dawat
  • Do virtual deeds and refrain from sins
  • Ask others to do the same

Founder of Muhammadi Rohani Qafila

Shah Abdul Latif Kazmi, Imam Bari Sarkar R.A

It was founded by the great Sufi Master of sub-continent, Shah Abdul Latif Kazmi famously known as Hazrat Imam Bari Sarkar R.A in 1052 AH. He was from Punjab. He R.A gave complete succession to Hazrat Muhammad Inayat also known as Shah Sarkar R.A.  He was one of the most prominent Sufi of the Qadriyya order.

Salaar e Qafila

Khadim ul Muslimeen, Shaykh Faqeer Ghulam Hasnain Qadri حفظہ اللہ

Shaykh Faqeer Ghulam Hasnain Qadri also known as “Sain Sarkar” is one of the greatest spirtual scholars of the modern times. He is the current chief of Muhammadi Rohani Qafila and is also the custodian of Dargah e Latifia Hazrat Imam Bari Sarkar (Chak Malook). He confers special Zikr e Qalbi which changes the life of a person. Countless seekers of Allah have become saints after receiving guidance from him. Know more and contact him.


Our Spirtual Lineage

tariqa (or tariqah; Arabic: طريقة‎ ṭarīqah) is a school or order of Sufism, or specifically a concept for the mystical teaching and spiritual practices of such an order with the aim of seeking haqiqa, which translates as “ultimate truth”. Every tariqa has a silsila. Silsilas originated with the initiation of Sufi orders which dates back to the Islamic prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم. Most silsilas trace their lineage back to his cousin and son-in-law Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib رضی اللہ عنہ و علیہ السلام such as the Qadiriyyah, the Chishtiyya, the Noorbakhshia and the Suhrawardiyyah orders. By grace of Almighty Allah, Our spirtual lineage traces back from Shaykh Faqeer Ghulam Hasnain Qadri Sain Sarkar to Seal of the Prophets, Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم.


Muhammadi Rohani Qafila is an international organization for the propagation of Quran and Sunnah and It is serving the religion of Islam in 10 departments. Our centers/branches are established in many cities all over the world.

We have Majlis Tameeraat-e-Masajid (for construction of Mosques around the world), J & S Education system for modern as well as islamic education and many more departments.

To view the details of our departments, click the button below.